To sign up for《I am the best voice actor》Contest- from 崇右影藝科技大學

一、活動目的 (Goal):

We are providing foreign students a competition of《I am the best voice actor》where students can play roles  to learn Chinese and to improve their Chinese language.

二、主辦單位 (Organizor):崇右影藝科技大學華語文中心/ CUFA, Chinese Language Center

三、報名日期 (Registration Date):2022.06.01-2022.08.30

四、參加對象 (Target):海內外非母語學習者,中文A1(入門級)至B1(進階級)程度者。
                                          Foreign students whose Chinese Level at A1 to B1.

五、報名方式 (Sign Up):
1.    填寫google報名表單,並上傳您已經錄製好的影像檔案 (.mp4)即可。
Please fill the google form, and upload your film with your voice recording(.mp4).
2.    需勾選同意本中心使用參賽檔案作為宣傳之用。
Please tick (v) your agreement for promotion online.

六、比賽方式 (Steps) :
1. 掃描QR code選擇影片:男生 VIEDO A (配音:又文) 、VIDEO B (配音:家恩)、女生 VIDEO C (配音:老師)
To scan QR code and to choose a film: male  VIEDO A (role:You-Wen) 、VIDEO B (role:Jia-En)、female VIDEO C (role:Teacher Li)

2. 下載要配音的VIDEO & 對話腳本
To download the VIDEO and the transcript that you are going to play role.

3. 下載螢幕錄影Ocam、安裝
To download Ocam and install.

4. 打開Ocam軟體,設定錄影螢幕範圍,按下錄影鍵、VIDEO 影片播放、配音、錄影
To open Ocam and set up screen area. Playing the film and recording your voice.

5. 打開Ocam軟體資料夾,找到檔案,檔案名稱: VIDEO A/B/C _姓名
To open Ocam's file and find your file, and then to give your file a name as VIDEO A/B/C.

6. 上傳報名表單網址:
After completing the registration, please upload the file into the google form. The form wesite:

七、評分標準 (Scoring Criteria):

Pronunciation (pronunciation, intonation) 30%, lip-synch dubbing 30%, intonation (tone, accent, fluency) 30%, vocal expression 10%

八、獎金標準 (Award):

第一名5,000元、獎狀,第二名3,000元、獎狀,第三名2,000元、獎狀及 佳作 五名 獎狀乙張。
A champion gets NT5000、a runner-up gets NT3000、a third place gets NT2000, with a Certificate, and award 5 excellent work.

九、成績公布時間 (Announcement):

2022.09.20 (二) 崇右華語文中心官網、電郵通知得獎 (得獎者回覆提供匯款帳號,海外匯款扣除匯費)
2022.09.20 (二) Announcement by CUFA Officical Website and send comfirmation letter by Email. (The award will be charged remittance fee)

崇右華語文中心官網 CUFA website:

活動聯絡人: 崇右影藝科技大學華語文中心 王宏仁 email: / +886-2-2423-7785 ext. 557
Contact: email: / +886-2-2423-7785 ext. 557/ Mr. Wang

分類: 轉知
單位: 崇右影藝科技大學華語文中心